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Ricardian Fabric is a Legal and Smart Contract Deployment Tool and DAO. It's a decentralized application hosted on the Arweave blockweave, Ipfs and Harmony, the code once hosted on Arweave will never change, hence it's dependable and allows developers to build robust systems on top of it.
Ricardian Fabric is a Ricardian contract editing tool that allows publishing Ricardian contracts to Ipfs and attaching them to solidity based smart contracts. It allows the deployment of smart contracts from a catalog and developers can contribute to the DAO, to earn token rewards.
Asset-Referenced tokens can be created using the Trails feature, that allows uploading linked documents, that helps with the transparency of the audit process.
Follow these simple step by step guides to start using Ricardian Fabric
Good to know: Get familiar with the tech stack and the features here and you can adopt Ricardian Fabric to your specific use case.